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The REAL reason that Progressives are fighting back so hard over the release of releasing the GOP’s memo that exposes mass wrong-doing in securing the FISA warrant and spying on President Donald J. Trump, his family, campaign staffers etc.?

Theresa May, Barack Obama 2016 G20 Summit China*

As most of us have suspected, ALL roads lead to BARACK OBAMA and the British government who, from what I see, have cut off their noses to spite their faces. They cannot be trusted.

Independent Sentinel by S. Noble

Anyone remember when Judge Napolitano was suspended from Fox News for claiming the UK spied on the Trump campaign? He was eventually reinstated with little fanfare and he stuck by his sources who made the claims. Well, now we hear that it was true! There is even a document available to back it up.

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Israpundit reported that British Intelligence spied on Donald Trump at the direct request of President Barack Obama and due to a renewed request by known liar and unmasker Susan Rice. It was all done, allegedly, WITHOUT WARRANTS!


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*Barack Obama and UK – PM, Theresa May at G20 Summit 2016 in Hangzhou, China. Photo courtesy of Number 10-Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)