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BE FUNKY screenshot hassan rouhani united nations general assembly 09282015

At the last moment Monday, two passages of anti-United States rhetoric found its way into Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly and AFTER formal text of the speech was submitted to the UN.

Times of Israel By Times of Israel staff

The extra sentences were included in Rouhani’s address only after the formal text had been submitted to the UN. They therefore are not contained in the text of the speech as it appears on the UN’s website; the UN posted the text, as is its custom, shortly after the speaker had completed his address. …

By contrast, the added passages appear to reflect a harder-line rhetorical style, more typical of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and other Iranian officials who repeatedly declaim against warmed relations with the United States….

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Rouhani who spoke after Barack Obama one-ups Obama again by starting his speech with Iran’s version of We are the World and ending with a pesh-kabz to the gut.

BE FUNKY barack obama john kerry state department meeting CROPPED DERIVATIVE FROM flickr creative commons_Fotor

Trump was spot on when he stated, “Never, ever EVER in my life have I seen any transaction so incompetently negotiated as our deal with Iran.  They take our money.  They make us look like fools and now they’re back to who they really are. They don’t want Israel to survive.  They will not let Israel survive with incompetent leadership like we have right now….We are led by very, very stupid people…”
