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I tracked down a video discussion that also references Louis Farrakhan’s statement that Barack Obama “was selected before he was elected…”

And from the mouth of Farrakhan himself….

I find it interesting that in spite of which side of the coin one finds oneself, most Americans are not pleased with the Manchurian candidate.  Even more interesting is that many also realize that Barack Obama is an illusion, a threat TO ALL and creation by those spearheading New World Order.

While those in the above videos acknowledge that Obama has nothing for Black America, it is only fair to note that Obama has failed all Americans regardless of one’s ethnicity.

Moreover, as Obama forces our nation overall down the road to serfdom, I am perplexed at the naïveté and willingness of the Black community to walk its way back into slavery.

H/t Gateway Pundit.

Why take my discussion to the point of slavery in this post?

As it so happens, less than 24 hours ago, I had the same discussion with the owner of my neighborhood bodega when a rather heated (angry) customer invited himself into our conversation said to me, “Now white people will know how we felt all these hundreds of years.”

My response to this dumb bunny was, “Excuse me?  Are you kidding me?  He repeated himself, “I said, well now white people will know how we felt all these hundreds of years.”

Turning to Mr. Moonbat, I asked, “What kind of rationale is that?” “So you have no problem becoming a slave again as long as it’s not just black folks this time round?”

End of conversation.  Taken aback, Mr. Moonbat grabbed his pack of cigarettes and change from the storeowner and stormed out of the store.
