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California judge, William H. Orrick (Obama nominee) today issued an order temporarily blocking President Trump from withholding funding to sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration officials.


According to Justice Department attorney Chad Readler, the decision applied to a limited set of grants. He said less than $1 million was at stake nationally, and possibly no San Francisco funding….


AG, Jeff Sessions, issued the following statement following a meeting earlier today with representatives from the U. S. Conference of Mayors.

Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs

Statement by Attorney General Jeff Sessions Following Meeting with Representatives from the U.S. Conference of Mayors

Today, Attorney General Sessions issued the following statement following his meeting with representatives from the U.S. Conference of Mayors:

“The Department of Justice will fulfill our responsibility to uphold and enforce our nation’s immigration laws, including 8 U.S.C. 1373. Under the Obama administration, the Department of Justice required certain grantees to certify compliance with federal law, including 8 U.S.C. 1373, as a condition for receiving grant funding. Last year, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General reported that 10 jurisdictions were potentially in violation of 8 U.S.C. 1373, including because they had policies that restricted local law enforcement from sharing information about criminal aliens in their custody.

“My letter has required those jurisdictions to submit a response by June 30 certifying they are in compliance. To date, only one has replied and we await the responses of the others. We will evaluate those responses to ensure the requirements of these grants are met. I once again urge these cities and jurisdictions to reevaluate their policies, protect their citizens and comply with the law.

“We are pleased that the mayors who met with us today assured us they want to be in compliance with the law. The vast majority of state and local jurisdictions are in compliance and want to work with federal law enforcement to keep their communities safe. Of course, compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 is the minimum the American people should expect. We want all jurisdictions to enthusiastically support the laws of the United States that require the removal of criminal aliens, as many jurisdictions already do.”

You can view the order in its entirety in the cloud here or in pdf format here.


Call it by its name. This is yet another case of judicial tyranny from the bench.