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“A few days ago I wrote about what you all already knew, that the new Facebook news feed format is nothing but a means to control and censure the message  and content on facebook, Facebook’s New Censorship

Now they are taking it a step further by collecting data on posters and trying to intimidate them from posting on Facebook.

To that end the new Obama page, this one here Obama Intimidation Page run by   Obama for America,  collects and posts all Facebook updates that contain  the word Obama.

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Obama Facebook Intimidation Page , posted with vodpod

….Yes I know there are sites out there that do the same thing but the question is not about the technology of the site, the question is WHY WOULD OBAMA WANT TO POST ON HIS  Facebook CAMPAIGN PAGE POSTS FROM PEOPLE THAT OPPOSE HIS POLICIES? Do you think he’s looking for hints to change his  agenda?”


Obama Facebook Intimidation Page is brought to you courtesy of OBAMA FOR AMERICA, the Marxists who brought you ATTACK WATCH.

You must admit that as with all things Obama, something stinks really bad about this.  This is intimidation and censorship on the down low.

Below is a screen shot that I did a few moments ago of Obama’s Intimidation Page  that clearly notes my Facebook entries that mentions Obama.


I went back as far as I could on the entries of this site as monitored by Facebook and Obama for America on Obama’s Intimidation Page.  It ends or starts (however, you look at it) with July 5, 2011.  I suspect that Facebook’s records go back even further but this is as far as they make visible to us little people.

Supposedly, if you have friended someone whom has hit the “Like” button on the Obama Intimidation Page, your entries that would show up on that “friend’s” page that mentions Obama, will show up on the Obama’s Intimidation Page.

From where I stand, this is pure B.S., spying, intimidation, an invasion of privacy and attempt to censor members of Facebook.