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I read a Twitter post the other day right after the White House released Obama’s alleged Certificate of Live Birth that went something like this, Imagine the millions of hungry American children that could have been fed with the $13 million dollars that Obama spent for a forged birth certificate.

While there is absolutely no proof that Obama paid for a forged Certificate of Live Birth and then presented it as fact to the world, its presentation has satisfied no one, except Progressives.

Moreover, this latest fraud production has popped opened yet another can of Obama worms.

For instance, the Certificate of Live Birth produced last week as fact is flawed, starting with the conflict surrounding Barack Obama Sr.’s real birth date.

I downloaded a copy of the Certificate of Live Birth in the event the version produced last week by the White House suddenly disappears in yet another White House scrub job.

According to last week’s production, Obama Sr. was 25 years old when his son was born but there are documents that indicate that Obama Sr. was actually 27 years old at the time of Barry Sotero’s birth.


“Overshadowed by reaction to the release of Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate was the unearthing of half-century-old files that cast doubt on whether the age of the president’s father indicated on the Hawaii document is accurate.

The applications, memos and other documents from the Immigration and Naturalization Service acquired in a Freedom of Information Act request by Heather Smathers of the Arizona Independent– which indicate Barack Obama Sr. would have been 27 at the time of his son’s birth, not 25 – also suggest that the president’s father did not leave the islands from the time of his August 1959 arrival until he departed for graduate studies at Harvard in June 1962….” Cont.

As I said, Obama’s can of worms is about to go pop.  There is the possible commission of a fraud involving this document.  Whoever prepared this document did so in pdf and layers.  Americans have the right to question and investigate its validity.  See the video below:

(url:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR0octnF52w&feature=player_embedded)

Number one, I am not a birther nor is anyone else who questions Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate(s).  We are Americans, humans, patriots, children of God.  Furthermore, we want no part of the Obama deception.

To call someone a birther is no different than calling them a n********, both of which I denounce.

In addition, Progressives attack the right with statements like “birthers are doing  Republicans harm by bringing up Obama’s birth certificate.”

Such remarks is nothing more than desperate attempts by Progressives to silence those of us aware that Barack Obama has perpetrated the biggest fraud in the history of the United States.

Underestimating us, Progressives refuse to acknowledge that Saul Alinsky’s fifth rule for power, i.e., name-calling and ridicule does not faze those of us intent upon righting the wrongs.

In perpetrating this deception, Obama is pissing on the U. S. Constitution, the American people and our laws.  I shun to think of the precedent that has been set if this snake oil salesman is allowed to continue his deception and escape justice.

See:  Online ‘birth certificate’ document ‘was changed’

Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Immigration File