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On December 15, 2010, Rahm Emanuel met privately with Chicago’s labor union leaders and informed them that if elected, he plans to cut pensions and not just for new hires.  Emanuel must be some tough sob because union leaders having intentionally kept this information from its membership seem to fear Emanuel more than their members.  The Chicago Federation of Labor, an umbrella group for 300 unions has not yet endorsed mayoral candidate.


“The sticking issue for all of us is the pension issue,’said a labor activist who attended the meeting with Mr. Emanuel. ‘ can’t tell my members we are going to support a guy who is going to cut your pensions.’

The labor leader and others who attended the meeting said they did not want to be identified for fear that Mr. Emanuel would retaliate if he were elected.”

Union leaders could not inform its membership of this development and so they kept their members in the dark.  In the end, they will make a deal and they will back Emanuel.  Am I alone in the feeling that the election is already in the bag?

Is it possible that the meeting was just another Progressive dog and pony show put on by Emanuel and union leaders for the benefit of fed up voters who Progressives are counting on to be too stupid to do the math?  If so, how long will it be before Emanuel betrays voters?