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Witness the true face of the Democratic Party as they attempted to crash the Americans For Prosperity Defending the American Dream Summit “Tribute to Ronald Reagan” dinner at the Convention Center in Washington D.C. this past Friday night.


“Occupy DC protesters tried to force entry into the Washington Convention Center on Friday, where Americans for Prosperity is hosting their ‘Defending the American Dream Summit.’ The protesters also formed roadblocks, surrounding the convention center and only allowing non-luxury cars to pass.”

(5:33)  “Sir, you should turn yourself in for arrest right now.”  

Are these people for real?  The thugs stand in the roadways blocking traffic and are surprised when one is hit by a car.   H/t Weasel Zippers.

Indeed, they are America.

These are the monsters that Barack Obama has given his blessings and free reign.

As witnessed by The College Politico, parents used their children as human blockades (warning:  raw language).

What is wrong with these people?  It appears that many of them are under Obama’s magic spell

Obama has convinced thousands, if not millions that the devil does not exist.

How is it that they lack the common sense to realize the danger of using their own children as human shields?  Moreover, how is the videographer an “unconcerned human” (1:22) for questioning a parent who places his or her child in harm’s way?

Children’s Services should start following these sorry excuses who lack the maternal instincts to realize that their first obligation is to their children.

The actions of these anarchists are no different from the terrorists in the Middle East who use children as human shields.

Pugnacious Occupy Wall Street / Occupy DC protesters prevented hundreds of peaceful citizens from leaving the event including a woman in a wheelchair.  See video below:

No that IS NOT what Democracy looks like.  This, America, IS what MOB RULE looks like.

As you can see from the following video and as reported by ConservARTive, Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited the event.

ConservARTive reports that the woman shoved down the stairs in the above video is 78 years old.  She road on a bus for eleven hours from Detroit, Michigan to attend the dinner.

She was taken to hospital, treated for multiple injuries and released the same night with very large bruises.


In other words, the use of children as human shields and throwing grandma down a flight of stairs comes with the territory for Progressives.

This is the creation of Barack Hussein Obama who has declared war on any American who opposes his ideology.

#OWS Protesters Attempt to Storm AFP Defending the American Dream Summit