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“Illegal alien activist, Tony Mendoza gets put in his place by John Kobylt on the John & Ken Show on 640 AM KFI-Los Angeles on Friday May 28, 2010. You can download the podcast of this interview at johnandken.com by clicking the “podcast” link and checking out the 3 PM podcast. This classic interview exposes all of the lies and omissions being perpetuated by the media that the Arizona Immigration Law is some sort of “Facist law” in which “rogue cops” get to act like Nazi’s. Costa Mesa California adopted essentially the same law as Arizona’s law, and so assemblyman Tony Mendoza is trying to RETALIATE by effectively shutting down the Orange County Fair! All of the polls show that Americans overwhelmingly SUPPORT Arizona. You wouldn’t know it from watching TV or reading the papers.”

Ever notice how those on the left want what they want when they want it in spite of the fact that their argument is flawed and baseless.  Also, you can’t miss the fact that their  concerns and accusations of racial profiling does not hold water either.   What a spiteful bunch of loons they are.

Tony Mendoza is a piece of work, “they’re ANTI-IMMIGRANT”   You lie Tony Mendoza, no one is anti-immigrant.  Talk about a play on words, stop.  The correct phrase is “ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT” Mendoza “ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.”