
Photo Courtesy of InfoWars

Photo Courtesy of InfoWars

As I watched a report about this last evening, I pondered the thought of walking through an X-ray machine or being groped.  Neither suits my taste and both are inflammatory and offensive to me.


“The revolt against invasive security procedures at airports continues to explode as flight attendants and a second pilot’s union have joined the huge chorus of complaining travelers that are faced with the choice of walking through radiation spewing naked imaging machines or having their genitals and private parts groped by TSA operatives.

‘We’re getting calls daily about peoples’ experiences, our members are concerned,’ Deborah Volpe, Vice President of the Association of Flight Attendants Local 66 told ABC 15 News.

The union represents over 2000 flight attendants who mostly work for US Airways, based in Tempe, Arizona.

Flight attendants are reportedly unhappy with both the naked imaging machines and the pat downs that are mandated if one ‘opts out’ of going through the imaging machine.

The union has advised the attendants to ask that the pat-down be conducted in a private area with a witness if it is deemed necessary.

‘We don’t want them in uniform going through this enhanced screening where their private areas are being touched in public,’ said Volpe. ‘They actually make contact with the genital area.’

The new pat down procedure, which now allows TSA agents to forcefully feel around breasts and genitalia, is currently conducted in full view of queuing passengers and has been described by many, including New York Times reporter Joe Sharkey, as a form of humiliation to discourage others from refusing the full body scans.

The flight attendants union is also pushing for a crew pass system effectively preventing flight attendants and pilots from having to undergo the procedure….

Despite the testimonies of pilots and flight attendants and multiple reports, videos and pictures of TSA agents groping, molesting and sexually assaulting passengers in a nationwide epidemic of abuse, a TSA.gov website claims that there are no instances of groping or even squeezing occurring at all, and that TSA agents are completely ‘professional’ in their duties.

This claim is of course a flagrant lie designed to quell what has quickly become a massive backlash against the TSA.

Just as pilots and flight attendants are doing, passengers need to stand up and say no to the body scanners before they are made mandatory, as well as resisting the forceful groping techniques.

As we have previously highlighted, the procedures have nothing to do with security. According to their own designers, the scanning machines cannot even detect explosive material. Other security experts have dismissed the devices as ‘useless’.

Continue reading…..

To make a long story short, these devices and pat downs is about power, control and making a society submissive.

If you can x-ray people and pat them down touching their body parts, you humiliate them making them feel less than whole and far less than worthy.  The tactic itself is about submission of an individual.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but a submissive society fights right on in there with the NWO.  Think about it and then tell progressives to stop nudging and groping you.