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screenshot afghanistan woman slaughtered for allegedly burning koran


Innocent until proven guilty is non-existent under Shariah law. Thus, the following report by Pamela Geller exposes once again the inhumanity and depravity that goes hand and hand with Islam.

Time and place: A few months ago in Afghanistan where a young woman Farkhunda Malikzada, a 27-year-old is falsely accused of burning the Koran.

From that moment, the future of this aspiring student of Islam” rather lack thereof is etched in stone.

“These false sharia accusations are routinely made against non-Muslims in Muslim countries in order to exact some gruesome revenge for the crime of being non-Muslim. They are made against women who speak out. False accusations under sharia (Islamic) law are retribution for some perceived insult or petty jealousy, and are sanctioned by Muslim societies to quench the unending, insatiable thirst for blood, as commanded in the Quran and by the “holy prophet” Muhammad.

The more devout the Muslim country is, the more brutal and bloodthirsty it is. Watch how the mob grows especially with the call to Muslim prayers. The woman is beaten, stoned, kicked, pummeled and then finally burned to death….



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Unedited version below. Warning: GRAPHIC, BRUTAL.

In spite of her devotion to Islam, innocent or not, Farkhunda Malikzada was but one of tens of thousands slaughtered in the name of Allah yet Muslims and their appeasers want to silence anyone placing a spotlight on perpetual acts of barbarity committed without conscious in the name of Allah and their precious Koran.